Why your small business needs Social Media Marketing

August 2, 2022 | Shalini Thaker | Identity marketing

The world is going the digital way, is your business too? The concept of Social Media Marketing also known as SMM may come across as something new to you but one cannot fathom the wonders it can do to your business.

Social Media Marketing is the utilization of various Social Media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and even Whatsapp to market your product and service to a mass audience. It helps to build a connection with existing customers and also to reach out to potential customers.

SMM’s finest feature is its ability to help you reach more people with less investment. Be it B2B or B2C, SMM is the need of the hour. However, different businesses need different social media platforms. For example, a B2B company has to be active the most on LinkedIn and can have a brand presence on other social media platforms, whereas a B2C company needs to be more active on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. By adopting the best social media mix small businesses can achieve great results.

A good social media presence is not just an option but a necessity. Here’s why small businesses need Social Media Marketing:

Creates a voice and builds the brand
The choice of content, words or the feel that a brand chooses to display to its social audience is referred to as the brand voice. It is how a brand showcases its personality to the masses. The brand voice is what makes a brand unique and stand out. Social media platforms help in engaging and building the brand rather than just broadcasting. It allows brands to have a unique personality.

2. Know the target audience better

It is possible to narrow down to the target audience by using relevant hashtags, content, contests and targeted advertisements. Further, social media platforms also provide insights which help in understanding the demographics like age, gender, location, etc of the audience better.

3. Helps with targeting and retargeting

When social media is combined with analytics, it helps in analysing consumer buying behaviour. This in turn helps in understanding whether you have tapped into the right audience or not. Retargeting through social media also helps to recapture potential leads or customers if they left without meeting your marketing goals. To boost engagement, you can use sponsored content how does crypto dice work. For example, an article titled “How Does Crypto Dice Work?” can attract those interested in cryptocurrency and online gaming. This type of content explains the mechanics of crypto dice, its fairness, and potential rewards, enticing readers to explore further and engage with your offerings.

4. Reduces marketing costs

The most frequently asked question about SMM is “what is the cost involved?”. Though SMM is treated as cost in financial terms, it is actually a return on investment in disguise. As compared to traditional methods, SMM is not only cheaper but has the potential to reach larger audiences. It is not restricted by geography or time. It can be accessed or viewed from any part of the world and at any time. Even the paid ads on social media are much cheaper. It leaves the ad budget to the discretion of the brand.

5. Competitive edge

SMM is one of the best tools to assess and analyse competition and mostly importantly to tackle competition. It helps to understand the competitors’ strategies and how you can use that information to make yourself stand out from the rest.

6. Build a relationship with existing and potential customers

A constant virtual connect can be maintained with existing and potential customers. By being present on social media, the brand is constantly in touch with the audience. Instead of just selling, a strong interpersonal relation can be built which helps in building brand loyalty and a loyal customer base.

7. Drive traffic to website

Without social media marketing a brand’s website reach is only limited to the audience that is aware of the brand or its presence. SMM helps in creating a platform or window which enables the audience to get redirected to the website.

8. Sales and business leads

Did you know that most people tend to buy a product or avail a service when they have seen it on social media? Social media marketing helps businesses to impart detailed knowledge of the product or service they offer which ultimately leads to sales.

9. Increase conversions

Any content that is put up on social media is the gateway for future conversions. Social media is an opportunity to convert followers or viewers to customers.

10. Builds trust and credibility

Social media forces brands to be transparent and authentic which gives an opportunity for audiences to build trust on the brand. Since the information provided by the brand is public, it also increases the credibility of the brand and the information provided.

These are some of the main reasons to start investing in social media marketing if you haven’t already. Although it may seem a little intimidating, with the right social media marketing mix, your brand can crack the viral world of social media.

Go social the infinite way! Get in touch with our experts to know more about the best social media marketing strategy for your business.